Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A while ago: 22 months

Joshua turned 22 months a few days ago.

I used my phone instead of the normal camera and he wasn't as interested.  He just wanted to take timer pictures.

Let's see...sleeping is going well.  Eating isn't going so well; no change there.

Daycare: he still doesn't like being dropped off and is so excited to see me when I come to pick him up.  The staff has been saying he's been having really good days...but that tends to mean hard evenings at home.

Talking: he is now mimicking everything you say...or at least the last word of what you say.  There have been a few short sentences every once in a while and the words that he says (and that we can understand) has grown a ton.  He really likes to point out body parts and say them.  "Mouf" is especially cute.

Lotion: he really likes lotion on his toes when getting his diaper changed.

(He rode the scooter and balance bike today.  He had a few tumbles, but he was wearing a helmet so it was ok.  Ben said that he did some good pushes by himself too, but I didn't see those.)

Up: up is probably his favorite word.  He loves to be carried around and tends to cry when you put him down.  I'm trying to have him walk more, but it's hard

Temperament: this month has been a bit hard.  He gets mad and throws things.  He hit me with something in the little toe once and it really hurt.  He goes into time out a lot for throwing.  That being said, he is also quite cuddly and happy.  All in equal amounts right now.

Listening: Joshua might complain about what you tell him to do, but he's pretty good at listening (unless it involves throwing something.  He doesn't listen about that.)  If you tell him to go in time out he will go.  I told him to stay on a sleeping bag and he did.  He might cry the whole time, but he listens.

Animals: Joshua loves animals, especially birds.  We hear gasps of delight all the time and find out there are starlings on the lawn.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Two thumbs up on the listening topic!