Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday: a first time for everything

We were on a bike ride tonight, going to water the flowers.  Isaac was riding pretty well.  Not really fast, but not snail slow.

A bee started going around Joshua and me.  I couldn't keep sight of it, so I just hoped that it disappeared.  No such luck.

And with my next pedal, I squished the bee inside my knee and got my very first bee sting.  (I bet you were expecting one of the boys to get stung!  Can you believe that it's my first?) My first thought was, "bother, I left my phone at home.  Sure hope that I'm not allergic."  My second thought was, "This is annoying, but not as bad as I expected."  I told Isaac that we should turn around and go home.  He misunderstood me and kept going...so we did.  A minute had passed and I wasn't swelling up crazy.

There has been a small ache for a surprisingly long time though.  It probably doesn't help that I didn't ice it for twenty minutes and we have no other ointments for it.


betsy said...

Crazy- I got stung today too! Not my first ever but first in years - on my finger. It happened this morning and now 12 hours later it's still a bit swollen and painful, even though I took both benadryl and ibuprofen and iced it immediately. I keep thinking I'm so glad it was me and not the 2 year old or this would be so much worse, which could apply in your situation too! :)

betsy said...

Crazy- I got stung today too! Not my first ever but first in years - on my finger. It happened this morning and now 12 hours later it's still a bit swollen and painful, even though I took both benadryl and ibuprofen and iced it immediately. I keep thinking I'm so glad it was me and not the 2 year old or this would be so much worse, which could apply in your situation too! :)

Unknown said...

Seems it's that time of year when we are seeing more bees and they seem more aggressive. Not nice that you got stung but glad it wasn't too bad.