Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday: school starts!

Today was the first day back at school.

Isaac got right back in the routine, barely glancing at me when I left his room.  When I picked him up he wondered if we could come back tomorrow because he was having fun playing with the new toys.  Of course, in the next breath he asked when he was going to be in kindergarten.  He seems quite excited for that step, and I haven't even told him there are no naps in kindergarten yet.  :)

Joshua did ok.  He was sad when I left, as normal.  They said he played well by himself and tolerated the group activities.

My classes went fine.  The first day I always feel like I'm throwing a ton of information at them and it barely sticks.  But, if I skip saying it then everyone is really confused.  So lots of talking and lots of standing.

When we got home the kids where loud.  They're never quiet, but they seemed louder than normal.  We finally calmed Joshua down by putting on some music, but then that was loud too.

Also...WoW expansion day!  I didn't play that much; my favorite play style is to just do a little at a time.  I like to quilt too.  But I did get my new weapon and did the first quest chain.


betsy said...

Glad for a good first day!

betsy said...

Glad for a good first day!