Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday: apple picking

Ben took off work a bit early today and we all went apple picking.  It was a wonderful time to do it.  There were only a few people was cloudy and warm, but not too warm.  They had some wheelbarrows that were very easy to use, so the kids got wheeled around for most of the time.  The only downside was that most of the honeycrisps were already gone, but there were still plenty of good apples.

Isaac had just studied apples in school, so he could tell us things like, "The best golden delicious are the yellowest ones."  We weren't sure what kind(s) to get, so we did a sampling and I think everyone enjoyed how they all tasted so different.

Oh yes, Isaac got a massive hair cut today.  It's a bit shorter than normal, but we went to a different place and I might have given them the wrong number for the cut.  But he suddenly seems to have a bald spot in the back of his head, and we have no idea what would cause it except for him pulling out his hair.  So it needed to be short enough that he couldn't pull.

Joshua didn't really care about picking apples but just wanted to eat his apple.  By the end of the trip most of the skin was off.  He just happily sat there, eating away.

Look!  Ben's here too.

The restaurant wasn't busy at all - we could sit right down - so we ended up eating there.  Joshua loved pointing out that there were airplanes and drinking out of the cup with a straw.  (Usually at restaurants if there's a straw we hold the cup because the positioning isn't very good.  But this time it worked.)


betsy said...

Were you at cranes? The haircut looks good :)

betsy said...

Were you at cranes? The haircut looks good :)