Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday: playground, gravity maze, rain

We went to the playground with some friends this morning.  It was a beautiful day for it.  We even managed to get all the kids in the same spot for a picture...I took a bunch and Betsy took a bunch, and I think she got one of the best.

Later on in the day I was changing Isaac's sheets and found several lost toys.  This led to Isaac and Joshua playing one of them together, and really playing quite well.  (It's been happening more and more often lately.  But then there was yesterday, when Isaac came out of his room and asked Joshua, "Do you want to chase yourself?"  When Joshua responded affirmatively, Isaac went back in his bedroom and Joshua was left with tears.)

We played down by the beach for a little bit tonight.  The forecast said no rain, but of course about five minutes after we were out it started raining lightly.  I exchanged my book and phone for an umbrella and we stayed out for another fifteen minutes, until it started raining harder and neither boy wanted to play in the rain.  I thought it would last a bit longer, but oh well.

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