Wednesday, November 2, 2016

27 months

Joshua has turned 27 months a few days ago.

Attitude: most of the time he is much more happier than previous months.  Except when he's not happy, and then he's very not happy.  I think some of the happiness is being able to play with Isaac more.  Some of the unhappiness might be due to hunger.

Activities: he has been enjoying playing with Duplos, coloring, and running.  Er...dancing.  Which is running with music.  Periodically he likes putting people or baby night-night.

Potty training: Has been going really well, but doesn't go to the bathroom on his own.  This often results in about one messy accident a day.

Routine: he is starting to understand that we have a routine.  He often asks if it is a school day and sometimes if it is a gym day.

Talking: He has lots of words, but it isn't uncommon for him to whisper.  Apparently he does this a lot at school.  He does it sometimes at home, but usually he is normal or loud.  He doesn't like to count around Ben, but can sort of do 1-13.  I've never heard it all at once though.

People: He doesn't seem to favor one person more than another as much right now.  Ben and I tend to be pretty equal - sometimes he wants one, sometimes another.  He loves playing with Isaac.  He gets excited to see grandparents or CC.

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