Monday, November 7, 2016

58 months

Isaac turned 58 months old several days back.

He has been extra wild and crazy this past month.

We've had several interesting what-if scenarios..."What if Clifford was as big as the universe?"  "What if rain was actually rocks on fire?"  The questions and commentary doesn't stop.

He now likes school...did I mention that last month?...because there are new toys.  He still loves to play.  He doesn't enjoy going to the gym but loves gymnastics.  He also likes bath time and can easily spend two hours in the bath now that we're doing it in the afternoon.

He and Joshua are still playing quite well together and really, it has made my life much easier.  I don't get asked to play as much, although that could also be a result of the other activities throughout the week.  He is also extremely caring of Joshua (although more often when we're out of the house and Joshua might need a little extra caring.)  The other day at the library story time was packed and he wound he way to the middle.  Then scarves were distributed, so he got one for Joshua too and wound his way back.  Joshua wanted to follow Isaac, so Isaac took him by the hand to make sure he got to the right place.  <3 p="">

He does not enjoy cleaning his room.  Some weeks it goes really quickly and some weeks he drags his heels.  The other chores he doesn't love, but tolerates much better.  We've also started doing PJs and teeth during chore time because Ben and I were getting frustrated trying to prod him to go faster.  Now he can take an unreasonable amount of time to put his pajamas on and it doesn't matter quite as much.

He does space out sometimes.  Tonight during putting on your pajama time he was undressed and then came out with his day pants back on.

Isaac seems to show love through food.  He's regularly giving/making treats to show us that he loves us or to help a hurt (such as a headache) go away.  The main problem is that he can't make his treats on his own...his current one is pretzels with nutella and mini m&ms.  (I liked the ones with raisins better.)

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