Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday: somewhat of a graduation

I've been seeing all these pictures of friends' kids graduating from preschool this last week.  Isaac did have a ceremony, but today was his last day of preschool

He's been excited about the last day for a week or so now, but apparently had some tears at nap time.  I understand them things (like summer break especially) are fun, but it can be sad to know that something else is coming to an end.  I only got a picture with one of his teachers as the other wasn't there today.

Joshua might understand what's going on; I'm not completely sure.  I've said that he's done with the wobbler room and that it is summer vacation, but I haven't mentioned that next year he's in the 3 year old room.  Although he had some good times there, he has been rather sure about not going back for a few hours at a time lately.  Hopefully he just forgets.  I only got a picture of one of his teachers too.

To celebrate, we went out for dinner with ice cream.  Such excitement over ice cream!