Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tuesday: baby shower

Some friends are having a baby.  They also play Warcraft with us, so obviously we needed to have a baby shower in the game.

We did it while the most of the guild was on line anyway.

We had a few decorations, including a guild standard that looked like a baby foot (sort of) on light blue and a few balloons.

And they got gifts!  Zach got a bunch of balls thrown at him and they both got some "real gifts."  The things in [ ] are what they got.  They also got some [Medal of Patience] which didn't get linked but I'm sure they'll earn.  Several of the things linked are toys or pets.

It may hold the record for being the shortest baby shower ever at about five minutes, but it was fun.  People got into it and it stayed a surprise, so hooray!

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