Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday: greenhouse, cars, raspberries

We went to the Hope College Greenhouse today since we couldn't go with Lego League last week.  From the bit that we heard yesterday, the GVSU one was probably bigger (and cooler).  It also was quite an adventure to get to the Hope Greenhouse.  While it's open to the public, you need to go down small hallways and through closed doors.  There are no signs marking it's location.  We didn't stay long, but our objective was fulfilled; we saw a greenhouse.

On the way home, out of nowhere, Joshua says, "Mom, sometimes I get confused because toilet paper is white and cars are white and sometimes I think white cars are made of toilet paper."  Well, that hit Isaac's funny bone and he proceeded to ask Joshua what the other color cars are made of...
red = apples
yellow = broken stop lights and honey
blue = water
brown = crayons
tan = tan Legos
green = leaves

We got home and I picked the raspberries.  It's been a bit longer than usual since I last picked, but I think I also got the largest amount of the summer.

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