Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesday: parent teacher conferences

We had our parent-teacher conference for Isaac today.  Really, it's too bad that Isaac doesn't get to hear all of the good things that were said about him!  He's a good listener, participates and is engaged, follows the rules, etc.  (We tell him some of the good things, but not all.  Nor have we told him any of the standardize testing results.)

He is understanding the story problem of the day...I guess today's was something like, "If there were 7 cherries on the tree and I ate some.  Then there were 3 cherries on the tree.  How many did I eat?"  Apparently he was one of the only people that realized what the correct formula was.  Also, I was glad to be able to write a real note to him and not try to write him a note using the four sight words that he knew like last year.

He also did very well on the standardized testing, coming out in the 99% in math and 97% in reading.

All is not perfect.  He's a slow writer and his penmanship isn't great.  He's a bit of a loner.  Nothing worrisome at all though. 

Germ day:

Reading time:

GR Public Museum:


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