Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sunday: Christmas party #2

Tonight was our second Christmas party.  I actually took some pictures this time.

Joshua got a puzzle and showed it to everyone.

They did the grab a cool new way.  There were 10 questions, and if you answered 'yes' to the question you got to pick (or steal) a present.  Then everyone unwrapped it.  Then there were 10 more questions and you could steal a present.  (However, I once again had one of the last wrapped presents picked.  If I wrap them normally no one picks them.  If I wrap them funny no one picks them.  I don't understand how people can not chose the presents we bring until the very end!)  Ben ended up with a hat that Isaac loved.

Cheryl with her cheese smile.

Laughing about the cheese smile.

Trying to figure out Isaac's brain teaser gift, which ended up being a bit harder than expected.

On the way home the boys tried to get us to say "choo choo train."  For a year or so now I have refused to say it.  (I think it started on one of those days were the kids just kept wanting me to say something and I finally said no and then never started again.)  They thought we were hilarious, saying "choo choo plane" or "shoe shoe train" or "choo choo plop" or whatever.  There was laughter the whole way home.

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