Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Tuesday: Flurry

It is with great sadness that we decided to put Flurry to sleep today.  The lab results came back with stage 4 kidney disease and a severe urinary tract infection.  While we could have tried a few things to keep her with us a bit longer, they were really just stop gap measures as stage 4 is really to far advanced to be treatable.

Ben and I were expecting this since yesterday evening, but it still feels so fast.  I was expecting to have a bit more time with her at the end, but she wasn't feeling good.  Ben stayed home with her today and said that she couldn't lie down.  She wasn't eating or drinking anything except milk, so she got quite a bit of that today.

Isaac took the news as expected, with quite a few tears.  Joshua also took the news as expected and said good bye to Flurry but didn't give her a good-bye pet.  Isaac bounced back medium quickly thanks to Grandma Cheryl, but Flurry was on his mind throughout the night.

Flurry, who was with us for 13 years, was a wonderful pet.  She had some quirks and a few habits that we didn't like, but we were happy to have her around.  She will be missed.  A lot.

She kept us laughing even at the very end.  She was exploring the vet's office, found a hole in a cabinet door, and went right in.  There was a trash can behind the door, but luckily there was also a shelf.  I freed her, but she really wanted to go back in for the next minute.


Anonymous said...

You gave Flurry a wonderful forever home. I know your pain all too well and I'm sorry for your loss.

Annette B.

betsy said...

Oh my goodness, you've got me crying my eyes out over here! So sorry for your loss... we know how special pets are. Hugs! ❤

Heather D. said...

Sorry for your loss! Hugs, friend! Doug remembers her sleeping in Mt. Dew boxes in Champaign. 😊 We'll remember her for the beautiful crazy cat she was!