Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday: serving dinner

After church our Bible study served dinner at the Y for people. After being the first person in the serving line and having to say "no" to a lot of people (no, we aren't serving seconds yet; no, you can't bring food home to your husband) I have a glimpse at how hard similar social work jobs might be. You do good/nice things for people but you have to serve so many people that you also have to put your foot down and say no a lot. I'm sad to think of the people who didn't get food today because I couldn't give their spouse food to take out of the building, yet the coordinator of the event said not to.

Moral of the story: don't ask if you can do something, just do it. I saw one guy packing up some food to take home that we gave him because we assumed it was for himself.

Moral number 2: if there are two lines, hit each line once because they won't recognize you as quickly.

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