Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday: Ben is n^n!!

Today Ben is 27. The is the last year he will ever be an n^n, as for his 4^4th birthday he will probably be dead. If not he can look at this blog post and laugh. But I won't know what cool things to get him that are part of the 4th dimension...

But I digress. Today Ben is a cube and so I got him a bunch of cubic gifts.

I told him he had to smile no matter what the gifts were. He got some post-it cubes, a candle, a chocolate orange in a cubic box, and a new DS game that I stacked with a lot of old DS games to make it into a cube. He was a little let down when he realized that 6 of the 7 games he already owned.

1 comment:

Zachary and Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Ben!

Clever gifts Amanda!