Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday: I'm from New York

Ben and I have found that if we say "I just moved to the area from New York", people always think that we're coming from NYC.

If we say "I just moved from upstate New York," only half the people think we're from NYC.

The lesson here is to not have a major city named after a state.

PS, we have this problem with Holland too, but if we say Holland, MI no one gets mixed up so it isn't as bad.


The Accidental Boilermaker said...

i tell people i'm from chicago and then often have to clarify, actually the suburbs. but that doesn't sound as cool.

Anonymous said...

We get the same thing. "oh what a culture shock it must be to move from such a big city"

I usually try something like 'rural upstate new york' which is overselling the rural nature of the area, but makes it a bit more clear that, no, seriously, there were no subways.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last one was from me.
