Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday: 27 week OB appt

Today was my 27 week OB appointment. A few different things happened today...

*I had my gestational diabetes test. I passed having to do the full test, but just barely. However, this is apparently a pass/fail thing, so I don't need to worry about what I'm eating.

*My belly was measured. It measured right around 27 weeks. I'm wondering if the measuring tape is a special scale or if 27cm =27 weeks. Anyway, I'm just the right size.

*I might be getting a bladder infection. I feel fine, but apparently my urine was high in nitrates. I'm supposed to drink a lot of water. And I got a prescription in case I need it.

*The kiddo was moving all around (probably due to the sugar drink I drank for the test) and had a heartbeat of 162.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

27 cm is suppose to equal your wek. So 27 cm=27 weeks is good! Glad you passed your gestational diabetes test, you can keep having some donuts now. :) Almost to the 10 week count down!! How exciting. I can't wait. For me the first trimester dragged, the second was pleasant, and the third went rather fast. I'm very excited for you.