Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday: 3 quarters

Today starts week 30 of being pregnant, so we're 3/4 of the way done. Woo-hoo.

Apparently the baby is the size of a squash right now. It seems appropriate since it is fall/Halloween time. However, squashes come in all sorts of different sizes so I'm not sure it is a really good comparison.

My circumference is 39.5"


betsy said...

CONGRATS! I am jealous. My baby is the size of an apple. I have apples of quite varying sizes in the fridge so I feel like that's a little strange of a comparison too but also fall appropriate. :)

sailor42 said...

Why are babies always compared to fruit/food? Couldn't you say that your baby is the size of a men's size 10 shoe? What about saying it is the size of a grande mocha latte? Who came up with this ill advised fruit system?

betsy said...

what's your baby's heart rate these days? I heard lower = boy and higher = girl, so I want to compare mine to your boy ;)