Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday: taxi driver

Today I felt like a taxi driver.  I know it's a common complaint of parents, but today was worse than normal and included five circuits.  (Where a circuit is, at the minimum, leave the house, go somewhere, come back to the house.)  With that many even the in between times weren't all that restful as I needed to be aware of the time most of the day.  I have found that setting alarms on the phone often helps me relax in between, but I didn't do that for all of the trips.

In other news, I managed to clean the garage and mentored a mostly successful Lego League meeting.  (Actually, my group at Lego League seemed very successful.  We made a robot, added additional parts, and got it to do something semi-functional.  This is more than we've done in the past.)

1 comment:

betsy said...

I do the phone alarm trick for running kids around also!