Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday: extra weekend day

Today was a lovely day.  Ben stayed home and the kids were home because of MLK day.  We put together Legos.  We fixed a light switch.  We did a Lego challenge a la Joshua.  We worked on the D&D puzzle.  There is also a snow day tomorrow!  I am rather jealous: I'd like a snow day, or at least a virtual day, too.

The Lego challenge was to make something for a lovie.

Isaac got Snacksalotal.  Isaac was going to make five treats, but only had time for 1.75...a Danish and mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Ben got Creeper.  He made an exploding cat hospital.

Catcachinno got a coffee dispenser with a coffee cup that would move from the dispenser to his mouth.

I got Grey Bear!  He's my favorite.  Grey Bear likes taking naps so I made him a new bed.  I was going to make a really fancy bed!  I ended up with a basic bed because I didn't have much time.

BREAKING NEWS!  Hope just canceled classes tomorrow.  How exciting!!  It will mess up the schedule a little bit, but I don't love 'date day' and the lab computers now have TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER which is so much easier to understand than LEFT(, SEARCH()) and RIGHT(,LEN()-SEARCH()).  I'll probably combine the two.

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