Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tuesday: a nice day

Well, I had a very nice snow day today, and it culminated with another snow day tomorrow!  My week was going to be quite busy and, honestly, I wasn't very excited about that.  But both things for tomorrow have been canceled and I had time to get several things done today.  Doing my other things would have been good, but I can also be happy that I don't have to do them now.

Isaac is only medium-excited about the snow day tomorrow.  I think he'd prefer it next week...which we have absolutely no control over.  He might have this idea in his imagination about what a snow day should look like and in reality they include more work.  Joshua was excited though!

I sent Laura a Happy Birthday picture and she wasn't sure if I photoshopped it or actually went to the store and put party hats on chip bags.  I'm just excited that someone thinks I would do such a thing and now I think that'll be my goal for her next birthday.  The chip bags and I can go around to all the different foods that say "party size" on them, put a party hat on them, and get a picture.

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