Saturday, January 25, 2025

Saturday: rock climbing

Isaac had a local rock climbing competition today.  He was in the intermediate level, which was definitely more challenging.  

This route was his favorite.  It took him a ton of tries to get to this position, but he got it!  There was a tricky bit at the end too, but he got that on the second try.  There was a lot of cheering; the route was located in a less busy spot but a lot of people he knew were there at the same time.

This route was also tricky...again for two reasons.  The first was the start - it was a jump on the wall.  Secondly, it was in the middle of two sideways routes and Isaac had a hard time being able to start the route at a safe time.  Once the gym had emptied out a bit it was a bit better, but he still only had two good tries.

We came home and I fell asleep on the couch.  I really didn't do much work today.  We built Lego sets in the morning, I cleaned a box from the basement, helped Joshua with a few things, did lunch, and then went to the comp.  It was lovely.

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