Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday: vet

Flurry had to go to the vet today.  She was not happy about it.  The only thing good about the vet is that she doesn't mind the car ride home. :)

Here's a picture from yesterday when I was trying different settings.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday: new camera

Old camera
new camera (much smaller and bluer!)
Ben and me


Friday-Sunday: Lady's retreat

I went on a retreat with ladies from my church this weekend.

Here we are playing ladder golf

Two of our people were on cruches for a bit.  (Jess hurt her ankle playing paint ball)

Heidi and I in the main tent.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday: more basement pics

We got our water softener put in today.  The neighbors up the hill had to replace all of their faucets because of hard water, so we're trying to avoid that.  (Our calcium was 11 ppsomething, which isn't super high but high enough.)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday: work bench

We got the workbench together today!  It looks nice, although it was a pain to put together.

I have one more days worth of work for "my" A&P mechanic to do at work tomorrow.   Everyday I'm been managing to get enough for only the next day.  Not the best system, but it's more-or-less been working so far.  I'm excited about tomorrow because we finally got a part that is rather essential to part of the build, so I'm hoping to get far.  Or at least discover a lot of problems.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday: a good day

Today was a good day.

It started out with working from home in the morning because I was going to get a late start at work. I was eating yogurt for breakfast and Flurry came over (several times) to try and get some. At one point she stood on my shoulder trying to figure out how to get some.

Then I gave blood at work. Thanks to iron-rich vitamins, I didn't have any hemoglobin problems. I felt a bit dizzy at some points, but ended up doing fine.
I went to Bible Study at night. It was our first "real" Bible Study in a while and it was really good. We talked about sin and fears and habits and such and how they all link together. I realized one of my fears is that of being accepted. I'm not really sure why, but it's definitely there. Anyway, afterwards one of the girls asked if I was going to the women's retreat this weekend. I wasn't for a bunch of dumb reasons...basically I didn't get around to signing up. So she had one of the other people call the coordinator to see if there was still room. A lady had dropped out earlier today so there was a (pre-paid!) spot for me! So I came away from the study feeling very accepted and excited about this weekend. The only problem is that it's a women's retreat. I don't really consider myself a woman yet...I do woman things all the time, but am really just an old young adult. Well, maybe I can be both for a weekend.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday: hot dogs

Well, it's a Monday so we went back to work today. Funny how that seems to happen so often.

Ben had a migraine after work so I cooked dinner. I decided to grill...please keep in mind that this was my first time ever grilling. First I learned that you need to hook up the gas before it will light (this was easy to learn). Then I learned that you need to turn the gas on (also easy). Then I learned to you need to turn it to the "chose this setting for lighting" and not "high." This was a bit harder to learn, but I did get it all by myself.

Then I had to learn what hot dogs look like when they are cooked. Luckily, we only had hamburg buns so I could justify cutting them in half to see if they were warm inside.

I think they turned out very professional looking.