Today I was going to put up a door stop in the garage. We noticed a small hole formed from where the door bangs it, so it was going to be a simple matter of just making a real hole and screwing the door stop down. Well, when I opened the door stop package I found out that they had sticky backs! I was pumped. So I just stuck it on the wall and a simple project turned out to be even simpler than I imagined.
Then I tried caulking and had a hard time with the caulking gun. But the places did get caulked and due to a Pro-tip on the caulk itself it even looks rather nice. The tip was to mask off the area getting caulked. So I did that and then when I pulled the tape off I had nice straight lines!
Ben and I went out to eat with Clay and Jess and talked for a really long time, but it was a lot of fun.
Oh, and yesterday we watched "I love you, Man." It ended up being really funny.