Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday: deep thoughts - kids

To begin with, Ben and I aren't planning on having kids any time soon, so don't get your hopes up based on the title.

The deep thought is...why have kids? Are they really worth it? People always say "oh, it's different when it's your own." But is it different enough? I was reading "Saint Maybe" who pointed out that raising kids actually included spending a lot of boring time with them.

I'm doing a poor job explaining myself, but I'd encourage you to share your thoughts. Does the love and joy really make up for all the extra work, frustrations, and money? Really really make up for it? What's the best part? What's the worst part? Would you do it again? (You can secretly message me if you don't want to world to know that you actually wouldn't do it again...and yes, I know you love your kids. This would be like an alternate universe.) Would getting another cat really be a better option?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday: toes

Lately I've noticed that my toes like to move. I'll suddenly realize that they're moving, and it will surprise me a bit.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday: oh deer

This morning we had to get to church early, so we were up early. I was warming up some cider for the morning and saw something out of the corner of my eye...I went to look out the front window and we had three deer in our front lawn. I've noticed in the past few weeks that they've been eating more of my plants than they did during the summer. One of them came towards my plants so I knocked on the window. It looked straight at Ben and me but didn't run off like I thought it would. So I knocked again telling it to get away from my plants. It finally did. I hope it remembers the scary person in the window and doesn't come back.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday: apple picking

Today we went apple picking. It was rather cool, so we didn't stay long. We also got apple cider and apple cider donuts! I'm excited. I may have picked too many apples, but was having such a good time. Ben even switched bags with me so I could fill his. I made a large batch of applesauce this afternoon and there are still a lot of apples left. :)

Here is Ben picking an apple.

Here is the perfect apple Ben found. There's some weird looking guy in the background. Maybe he's stealing apples.

Even Hugh got a Hugh-sized apple.

Saturday morning:

I can't even tell that I raked yesterday. :( :(

Friday: dinner

After work I thought I'd try getting the raking done...the next two days are going to be a tad busy and there are lots of other chores on the list, so I thought I'd at least try. Things were going well and I was just getting to the exciting part (i.e., the place with more leaves so it's easier to see progress) when the gnats attacked. So I decided the other half of raking could wait.

Ashley and Stanley came over tonight. We went to Grand Central and had some good food and then taught them Hand and Foot. The girls almost won but the boys squeaked out a win by just a few hundred points. Oh, at one point Flurry sniffed Ashley's hand, got a little pet, started to walk away, and then remembered she didn't like new people. So she did the weakest hiss ever. Silly cat.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday: hole

Today wasn't quite as busy as yesterday which was a bit sad, but I did get caught up on a lot of things that I needed to do.

Half way through the morning I went to the restroom and realized there was a huge hole in the butt-seam of my black pants. Then I remembered that I had told myself to always wear black underwear because the seams were a little sketchy. I, of course, had forgotten that and was wearing white underwear because I only wear these pants about once every three months. Luckily, a coworker had a mini sewing kit so I did a quick repair job and ta-da! no more problems.

However, this now makes two pairs of my pants that need repair. :( The to-do list for the weekend keeps getting longer.