Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday: busy

Today ended up being a pretty busy day. This morning we went to church for a Bible Study leaders meeting and to find out what we're doing's The Prodigal God. We've had some preview stuff and it looks really, really good. I'm excited to start it.

Then we had lunch with Clay and Jess and Hugh. Good times.

After a nap (we had to get up early after all) I made some cookies and we went to a game night. Also fun, and it got done a little earlier than normal which was kind of nice.

I didn't get the wash started. :( But I thought about the wash and that I'm going to put my new flannel sheets on next. Does that count?

Friday: weird tricks

We watched Inglorious Basterds with Dusty and Laura tonight. Afterwards we were discussing the different ways that the Germans and Americans/British count on their fingers, only to find out that Ben and Laura can't keep their pinky down while keeping their ring finger up. Then we discovered that Ben and Laura can't stretch their toes sideways while Dusty and I could. It brought forth a lot of laughter.

Keeping the ring finger up

Not being able to keep the ring finger up
Toe stretch (with Flurry coming to investigate)

So here's the question: can you do both or neither? Is there something that makes one person be able to stretch their toes and fingers better? Or can you only do one of the above mentioned things?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday: Nathan

I have a great brother! However, I don't have many recent pictures of just the two of us.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday: In the last 24 hours...

In the last 24 hours...
1. Have you had the flu?
2. Have you had a headache?
3. Have you been stressed?
4. Have you had a heart attack?

I seriously answered a survey with that question today.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday: headaches and legos

This morning I had a little headache. The kind that is annoying but doesn't really make you stop doing anything you want. By the time I got into work, I thought I'd take an Excedrin. Then the Excedrin kicked in...I felt so much happier! It's amazing how feeling almost well and completely well make such a difference.

For Christmas, I got a lego ice cube tray. Below is my creation. They're rather slippery, so don't really stack well.

Although making the blocks colorful was a fun idea, it turns out the ice melts when you touch it and you end up with a big mess.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday: going into McDonalds

Today we decided to go to McDonalds for dinner, and when I pulled into the parking lot there was no one there. So we got the best parking spot. Why is it the best? Because Ben and I both got to be in the cold for the least amount of time. My picture below describes it much better.
Our car is sad. Not only are we leaving it, it is dirty, has bad belts, and a fuel smell. However, we made it slightly happier by going through the car wash on the way home! I really do love car washes.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday: chap stick

This past week I finished a tube of cherry chapstick. I've kept the tube around so that I would remember to post about this accomplishment. I don't use chapstick a ton, so to a) not lose the tube and b) actually finish it was very surprising!

I had something else I was going to say, but now I don't remember. Maybe that I started using some of my new quilting supplies? They've been fun. I had to take a break from making progress on the quilt to fixing something on it, but I'm about back to making progress again. Yay!

Oh! I have a friend (the Ertman-Towbridge Family) who is pregnant and on bedrest. With a one year old. I was thinking it might be fun to post your most addictive webpage so that she can use it as a time sink. If you have one that would be fun with a one year old, that would be even better. I think mine will be... and