We watched Inglorious Basterds with Dusty and Laura tonight. Afterwards we were discussing the different ways that the Germans and Americans/British count on their fingers, only to find out that Ben and Laura can't keep their pinky down while keeping their ring finger up. Then we discovered that Ben and Laura can't stretch their toes sideways while Dusty and I could. It brought forth a lot of laughter.
Keeping the ring finger up
So here's the question: can you do both or neither? Is there something that makes one person be able to stretch their toes and fingers better? Or can you only do one of the above mentioned things?
You know, I was really thinking I couldn't do the finger thing, but it turns out I can! I can do the toe stretch too, but I knew that already.
Ahhh . . . Look at all these entertaining things you are providing me with while on bed rest!
I can stretch toes, keep my ring finger up (easier on the left hand) and do the vulcan salute. Dad
I can stretch my toes, but my ring finger can't do anything without my pinky finger following along.
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