Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday: fishing

Since I went with a serious topic yesterday, today I'll go with a funny one.

Someone at work has a wildlife calendar. Probably wildlife that you might hunt, but it's only January so I'm not sure yet. Anyway, some days have this weird symbol on them...either white, grey, or black. The symbol kind of looks like one of those long, skinny balloons on it's side.

At first I assumed it had something to do with the moon, but then it just didn't line up correctly. So I looked at the key...they stand for good, better, and best fishing days. How does one tell about six months in advance when the good fishing days are? I know almanacs do some of that, but what makes for a good fishing day? Was it coincidence that no Wednesdays were even good fishing days and the weekends were often good fishing days?

1 comment:

Sam, Kate & OIiver said...

Could be related to a hatch chart. That is, when certain insects are hatching, which is a fairly predictable thing, there can be better fishing.

Just a guess, though.
