I don't know what to write about today. So you're going to get a conversation from several weeks ago that I found hilarious. Since it was so long ago it might be modified a bit. Thanks go out to Amy, Brian, and Carolyn for their inspiration.
Amanda: yeah, they're the ABCs. We could do that with our kids! C, D, E, F, G...I'm not having five kids so that we can get all the way to H though.
Ben: Maybe we can include middle names.
Laura: What real words end in H? Maybe their initials could just be a word.
Amanda: Hah.
Dusty: Duh.
Amanda: But how can CDH or EFGH be a word?
Dusty: It's not. Are there any words that even have their letters in subsequent alphabetical order?
Amanda: no
Dusty: (weird look)
Ben: haha...as in lmno
Laura: hi.
Maybe you had to be there.