Sunday, July 4, 2010


I snuggled with Flurry for my nap this afternoon. I was rather surprised that she didn't leave.

It was the official good bye party for Dusty and Laura. Laura made a bunch of delicious food and we played RockBand. We played our favorites, including Maps and Move Along. We sang Yellow Submarine and Ben added bubbly water noises which I found hilarious. Overall, a very fun party! (And we tried to ignore the fact the they are leaving. It worked well for me because I interacted more with Dusty this week than most previous weeks.)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday: blog

Today we have our esteemed guest, Amanda, here to tell us some of her thoughts on blogging.

Interviewer Amanda (IA): So, Amanda, why did you choose to start a blog?
Responder Amanda (RA): Well, there are two main reasons. First was to share with friends and family what is going on in our life so that they know what's happening even if we aren't able to talk very often. The second is to help me remember all the little day to day things that I would otherwise forget - like a journal. Like this entry - it is a small enough event that I would probably forget it, but it was so much fun!

IA: What are your favorite and least favorite parts about blogging?
RA: Well, one of my least favorite things is that because anyone can read it, I don't write about all of the things going on in my life. But one of my favorite things is that anyone can read it. I love getting comments. (Hint, hint.)

IA: I notice that you post most days...why do you choose to do that?
RA: Well, one reason is that I always love having new posts to read from friends, so I figure other people feel the same way. Also, it keeps me in the habit of writing. Although I'm not sure that the "nothing interesting" posts are worth it. What do you think?
IA: I'm not sure either
RA: Well, that makes two of us.
IA: Actually, it only makes one of us.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday: middle of the year

Happy Middle of the Year. It's flying by. It's feels like just a short time ago it was the beginning of the year and my day-by-day calendar was very full. Now it is amazingly half done. :)

As middle of the year days went, it was very nice. I got to eat lunch outside. I only had a few people in my office needing help. And...Grid started working!!

What is grid you ask? It's a mod to help see what's going on in the raid. Monday my grid looked like the one on the right. Now it looks like the one on the left. While I guess it might not mean much to you, but can much more easily see ALL the spells that I have on people.

Ben always laughs at me because my mods as a whole seem to have a mind of their own as to when they are going to work and when they aren't. I'm just glad this one is working again.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday: hazardous wastes

Ah, hazardous wastes. I know they aren't supposed to go in the trash and yet I never had enough gumption to actually bring them to the correct recycling location, so they just sit around the house. I know, sounds scary, doesn't it.

Luckily, Laura finally has a reason to get rid of her hazardous wastes, so we're going to trade some wastes and each bring them to their proper disposal area. At least, I think that is the plan. One place might take all of them. Yay for housecleaning!!

Besides that...nothing super interesting has happened in the past few days. Work has been really busy and has flown by, but nothing really interesting has happened. I watched So You Think You Can Dance and think it is pretty obvious who is leaving tomorrow...unless the judges feel the guy/girl ratio out be too out of whack. I also really enjoyed Alex's dance, and am having a hard time picking a favorite this season.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday: elephant

Hanneke and I suddenly enjoyed being African Elephants in high school, which brought forth a long love of elephants. Therefore, thanks to Brian for finding this gem...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday: hiding

Ah, some more pictures of Flurry. Ben played drums in church this morning, so the morning was pretty busy but we took it easy the rest of the day. We had several chores that we needed to finish and I had a long nap to take. :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday: Flurry take 3

For some reason my camera ended up in my pocket today while I was doing chores, so Flurry got a several pictures taken of her.

She doesn't get to go in the garage very often, but once in a while I find her on top of the car. This is the first time I had a camera.

Oh, the classic sink pose.