Today we went sky diving! It was my birthday present. The day started out by trying to figure out what socks to wear for this momentus occasion...I ended up going with pigs so that I would have flying pigs. :)
We got to the place only to find out that our 1pm reservation didn't really mean anything. While it was cool to watch people pack up their shoots, 3 hours of it was a little excessive. (But in the end, the wait was still worth it.) Our names finally showed up on the rooster and it was time to get started!
We crammed like sardines into the plane and went up. I was doing pretty well until I had to put my legs over the brain pretty much shut down for a few seconds. Luckily I was strapped to someone who was going to push me over, so I didn't have to think for those few seconds.
Once I finally caught my breath and was free of the airplane (about four seconds later) things got fun again. It was kind of hard to on a really windy day when you need to have your face at just the right angle. We went through some clouds. It wasn't like floating, but it also wasn't like dropping. It was a lot of fun.
Then my guy pulled the shoot and we started coasting to the ground. I saw Ben do a horizontal 360 below us and then we did it. I also got to pretend to steer. It was neat seeing everything slowly get bigger...kind of like from a plane but without the windows. And then we came to a nice, soft landing.
I would definitely do it again...especially a tandem jump. I'm not sure I would do it on my own.