Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday: month of fun

Today begins the month of fun. :) It starts with my birthday today. I guess nothing super special happened, but Ben and I went out for dinner and a lot of people said happy birthday and I felt special.

Ben and I went shopping after dinner for a few things. It turns out that even though it is still summer it is no longer swimsuit buying season. At Target I was excited because I found two racks of swimsuits on clearance! Score! And then I realized that there were only swimsuit bottoms. Where did all the tops go?


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice day and you should feel special!! Because you are!! It's especially nice to feel special on your birthday!

Oh, try Land's End (on line) for bathing suits. They have lots to pick from usually.

Anonymous said...

Having trouble with my password for some reason so I am anonymous today - Mom

Han said...

I had the same problem buying a coat last winter. Apparently, you need to buy coats before Christmas, because if you wait until January, suddenly they are all missing from the store. Insane.