Tuesday, August 3, 2010

NYC: Day2

We started the day by taking a stroll through Central Park.

Notice how well Ben and I match? He wore that shirt just for me.

Hanneke was able to join us! We usually manage to miss each other over Christmas, so it was really nice to be able to see her again.
We took a whirlwind tour through the American Museum of History. I'd love to come back with more time.
I'm kind of proud as how I managed to get us in this photo on the glass.

In the evening we saw Blue Man Group. It was great. It was much more of a comedy routine than I was expecting, but there was still a lot of percussion.
(Image courtesy BlueManGroup)


Cheryl said...

Looks like you had fun!! Was it just the 2 of you?

Cheryl said...

OK, forgot to look at Day 1 pictures before asking. I see you had company along on the trip! Fun!!