Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas: Merry merry Christmas

Today was a busy but good day. We ended up spending time and opening presents with both sides of the family...something that has never happened before.

The day started out by packing up the car and hearing some runners with jingle bells go by. It was a nice way to start.

then we opened presents with Ben's family. I don't have any great pictures, but here is one cute on from afterwards.

Then this evening was spent with my side of the family. I got to give Nathan and Liz their quilt!

Here are the pictures I took at home last week. the first one is the front and the second one is the back.

I also got a donut maker today! I'm super excited to try it out. And Ben got me a 2-4 player card game that we played tonight. at first while he was explaining the rules I was a little bit leery, but it quickly started to make sense and was a lot of fun.

And throughout the times I remember the reason that we celebrate Christmas. This year I've thought a little bit more about the wisemen. They are often mentioned in the Christmas story, but never seem to get a lot of attention. Maybe because they didn't show up for three more years. But they were men of learning (I.e., smart) and they still chose to come and worship Jesus. So while I can identify with the shepards in some aspects, I can also identify with the wisemen and are glad for both sides of the spectrum.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve: Merry Christmas Eve!

Today was just a nice day around the house. I read, took a nap, and talked with people. After a delicious dinner we played Catan and I won! It's been a long time. my favorite quote was when Nathan offered to trade Dad "two or three wheat for a brick.".

i also found out that my high school was completely renovated and looks nothing like what I picture in my mind. It's a little sad, but at the same time I know that buildings need to be updated.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

day: Nathan!!!

Nathan and Liz arrived today!! Woo-hoo!! Since we've moved we only get to see them about once a year, so I definitely treasure the time.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thursday: packing

This morning I had a really interesting idea for a blog post. I've since then forgotten it. Tonight we packed. We have a crazy amount of stuff for such a short trip.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday: Flurry and the bag

This morning Ben and I were in the bathroom getting ready, and we noticed that Flurry wasn't there. This was a very strange occurrence as Flurry loves the bathroom...apparently it has the best tasting water.

Anyway, a few moments later she drags herself in with a large plastic bag attached to her middle and falls pitifully to the ground. She had managed to get halfway through a handle and got stuck. Ben helped her out and she happily went to get her water.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday: a laugh

Scene: Amanda is going around the house, trying to find the right sized box for a present.

Amanda (to herself): hmm, I thought these boxes would be larger. Oh, this box by Ben's drum stuff might work. It's a little big. I'll keep looking but might come get it.

Amanda (to Ben): I'm looking for a box for this present. I think the box on your desk is too small. The one by the drums might work.

Ben: well, I'm not really ready to get rid of that box yet.

Amanda: ok, I'll see if I can find something else.

Ben and Amanda have lunch. They finish lunch.

Ben: Did you find a box?

Amanda: Yes.

Ben: oh, that's good. Did you notice that I still had stuff in that box? (or something like that...I don't remember the exact words)

Amanda: light goes off. That's my Christmas present! You hid it with all the other boxes that came with the drums! That was super sneaky. I thought something might be in it when I nudged it with my toe but didn't think twice about it.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday: dinner

We went out for dinner tonight with Clay, Jess, and Hugh. And then we came back and played Hand and Foot. Well, four of us did. Hugh played chase the ball. It was a nice evening. And the girls won, which makes it even better. :)