Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday: hi


Flurry thinks it's time for bed. I had a nice evening. Ben and I went to Tioga Trails. The service was slow, as normal, but we had plenty to talk about. Ben and I each won at Dominion once.

My quilt is almost done. I'm starting the forth border now. The first and second sides went well, but I had some serious problems with the third. It came out...ok. Good enough that I'm not going to rip it out again at least. Hopefully I'll have pictures of the finished product tomorrow.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday: fractions

When I'm looking forward to something, I'll often count down the time using fractions. Such as going to space camp, days until my wedding, a vacation, etc. (P.S. It helps to have a good denominator).

Today I forgot my book while exercising, so I counted down the minutes using my factions. Itc went kind of like this:

2 out of 30 minutes: I'm 1/15 done!
3 out of 30 minutes: I'm 1/10 done!
7 out of 30 minutes: I'm 7/30 done. Oh, that's a boring one. Prime numbers are boring.
12 out of 30 minutes: I'm 6/15 done! Wait, it reduces more! I'm 3/5 done! (I actually had to do this one a few times. Sometimes math and exercise doesn't work.)
15 out of 30 minutes: I'm 3/6 done! I'm 1/2 done! Hmm, I wonder if I'm on track to beat the 3200 steps from last time. That would be 1600 steps right now. Yup! I'm beating it!
I'm done!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday: wordless Wednesday

Can it really be a wordless Wednesday if you have a title?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday: tired

Tonight I am tired. tuesdays usually end up being the most tired days because it is get home from work, eat, and go to Bible Study. Today I threw in shovel the driveway and prep for Bible study too. We need to get gas in the grey car. It's been sitting in the garage for the last week plus because 1) it doesn't have any gas 2) it's been snowy and we feel safer in the blue car and 3) we're still trying to drive together many days. Oh, so I told you all that because we had to shovel that half of the driveway tonight. We still didn't get the whole thing done but hopefully enough for me to get out. It's supposed to warm up this weekend, so why shovel if it's going to melt?

I can tell Im tired. I'm rambling.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday: a forward

Today I was looking through the quilt blogs... turns out there's one website that's a compilation of quilt blogs and I've been looking at it. I keep adding cool ideas to my idea power point. I'm adding them too quickly. It's a problem. And maybe a post for another day...

and found someone copied one of those funny forwards. I haven't seen this one yet. So I'll share some that I found especially true.

"Truths for mature humans
3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
4. There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How in the world are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? (Amanda: I've stopped folding sheets. I just wad them up and stuff them in the drawer.)
7. MapQuest needs to start their directions on step 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
13.I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten page technical report that I'm sure I did not make any changes to.
19. How many times is it appropriate to say "what?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said?"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday: thinking the same thing

Today Ben and I seemed to think the same thing at the same time several times.

Like when the NPR announcer said that it would only take $2.50 per person in the US to update the criminal evidence stuff. We both thought about all the other $2.50s it would take to update everything that needs updating in the US and how it all adds up to a lot more than $2.50.

Or when we stepped on small piles of ice instead of in a puddle and declared ourselves mountain climbers.

Or how as we were leaving the house we both said at the same time what we forgot.

We also watched the Superbowl tonight with some friends. It was fun, but I'm not that much into football. I was rooting for Green Bay, so I'm glad they won.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday: powers of ten

In high school I watched this powers of ten video. It's from the 1960s.

Then the other day I saw a similar one that was made more recently. While I kind of like the other one because it is more... logarithmic... and goes the negative powers, this one is cool because it goes out farther into the universe. It's interesting to see what we're able to see that we couldn't see before.