Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wednesday: volks parade

It was a beautiful day out today, so I decided to ride by bike down to the parade.

For those of you unfamiliar with tulip time in Holland, the first parade starts with street scrubbing. Basically, anyone from the community that wants to can dress up in their Dutch Costume and clean the street.

These are random people that I don't know, but the boy is one of the cool water carriers. He's also drenched, because it was hot out and half the fun is getting each other wet.

Here are Allison and Scarlet. You can see that the streets are wet from being washed.

Next up were Jamie and the kids. I almost missed them because I thought Jamie had a different costume and I was on the other side of the street. I had to do some running to catch up and cross over.

Next up was Ben's alma mater. I know he played drums, although I'm not sure what he played while marching.

Since I saw Ben's alma mater, I thought that I should wait for mine too. I was going to leave after it. However, they ended up being the last band. Oh well, there were some interesting floats and other ...segments?... to make it worth the wait. I took a picture of the drum major in honor of Nathan.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday: this and that

Today, like most days lately, when by rather quickly. I did some errands, including getting groceries. I ended up with four containers of frozen juice. We don't drink a lot of juice, but it sounded really good.

Oh, I also played some racquetball. Dad tried to cheat when the score was 14-7 (Dad) by ending the game. But I made him play out that last point. He also hit me in the shoulder, just after I was thinking that we had been doing a really good job of not hitting each other. To make it up to him I hit one ball towards him, but he flailed out of the way. It was funny.

Good night. I'm tired.

Tuesday: first appt

I had my first OB appointment today. :) It didn't really feel like much of an appointment, because they mostly just gave me reading material and I gave blood for some tests. I also found out that I might only get one ultrasound at 20 weeks. I was hoping for more.

I'm only feeling ok. Nights, right before bed, have been the worst, although I haven't thrown up. Yesterday I was gone for about four hours and so exhausted when I got home. My naps have increased in length to about two hours and I'm not having trouble going to sleep at night. But besides those things it isn't going too badly. It's nice not having a job so I can nap.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday: quilt show

Today I went to the Holland quilt show. The quilts were beautiful. There were several kinds that I can never see myself making, but they were still amazing.

Here are my two favorites:

Salvaged Rainbow by Meghan Derks

and Delicious by Shelley Wisendhall (that name might be spelled incorrectly...the picture with the info was out of focus).

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday: Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! It was a fun day...brunch, dessert, art-in-the-park, and pizza.

Brunch had a delicious chilled mango soup. It was tangy and kind of like melted ice cream, but still edible. Then I came out ahead at art in the park as I didn't buy anything and found a quarter on the ground.

I took a few pictures and this is the only one I really like. I know it's rather crooked, but...that adds to the charm. It is of Ben's Grandma, and I think she is saying "ooo" to something Scarlet was doing.

I also realized that I forgot to actually talk to Pat today (sorry!!). My plans got messed up when Dad called me and then by the time I realized that I can call people too it was too late. But whether I did a good job of showing it or not, I really love all the Moms in my life.

Sunday: Happy Mother's Day me! :)

Ben wished me Happy Mother's Day a few times too and that was wonderful.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday: fireworks

Tulip time started today! I'm kind of's been a long time since I've been around for the festival. We saw the fireworks this evening. It ended up being colder than I expected and we didn't quite plan correctly...oh well. The fireworks were pretty and loud.