Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday: pillows

At an undetermined time, early in the morning.

Amanda (possibly, or possibly not, understandably): Do you need a pillow?
Ben: Yes

Amanda gently whacks her pillow on Ben.

Amanda (thinking): Wait, now I don't have a pillow.  Oh well.
Ben (thinking): I thought she said I had to move over.

This really isn't very funny, but I've literally been laughing about it all day.  You see, I got new pillows for us last week.  It was sad, as the old pillows are the correct thinness and it always takes new pillows a while to get there.  But we've had them for a while and they were probably rather gross.  The new ones are too big.  I think I was thinking that I had two.

Anyway, today I got two additional new ones.  The nice thing about liking thin pillows is that they're often the cheapest.  Hopefully they'll work.

All four naked pillows were on the bed and Flurry was curled up there too.  She was doing a good job imitating as a pillow, but I still found her.

Wednesday: rivals

Today we went to see Betsy and Ethan.  None of my pictures turned out, but luckily Betsy's did.

They started as friends.

But turned into bitter rivals.  Doesn't it look like Isaac is about to punch Ethan?

We went for a walk and saw a snake!  At least Betsy and I did.  Isaac refused to look.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday: At the tone, the time will be...

I put Isaac down for his afternoon nap.  He was almost falling asleep while eating, so I thought he would go right to sleep.  He didn't.  He cried for a few minutes.  Then he found his socks.  He spent fifteen minutes playing with and eating his socks.  About ten minutes into listening him jabber to his socks I decided I was sick of waiting and so would close my eyes.

Of course, he started crying again.  I told myself I had to open my eyes to look at the clock so I didn't let him cry too long.  Ok.  Ready?  Set?  Open.  The time is blue shirt.  Phew.  I can close my eyes.  Ok, blue shirt plus ten minutes is...

Wait a minute!  I didn't actually open my eyes!  Was I dreaming?

Sigh.  I managed to do so on the second attempt.  Flurry had cuddled with me by this time so I really was hoping Isaac would go to sleep.  He did.  So did I.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday: be glad this didn't happen to your house

Chickens Invade!

The sign says "We have hatched a plot most fowl."

Chickens multiply.

Saturday: nap

Right as Ben was waking up I put Isaac down for his first nap of the day (8:30am, on this day). I was excited because Ben could listen for and take care of Isaac.

I proceeded to take a 2.5 hour nap. I was rather surprised to see the clock read 11 when I finally woke up.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday: getting bigger

In the past week, three separate waitress/hostess people have asked us if Isaac needs a children's menu or to order something.  He must be getting bigger and looking older if they're asking. :)

Thursday: theme day - frogs

Today's theme day was frogs.  We said a lot of ribbit-ribbits.

We went for a frog hunt.
(We didn't find any.)

We learned that frogs exist in different habitats.

We captured one.

(I was having trouble with all the pictures today...sorry.  But this one you can clearly see frog eyes in two places, so I thought it was cool.)

Another habitat is the basement.

There are brown frogs and dragonflies (on my bandana) live around frogs.

There are orange frogs.  The green frog and orange frog proceeded to kick around a new pillow that was in plastic.  On the hardwood floors, it went far and spun easily.  And it was hilarious to both frogs, but especially to the green one.

Frogs exist in wet climates.