Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday: OT 2x

Isaac and I made it through the Old Testament in his Bible today.

It's been interesting because each story is about eight to ten sentences long.  It gets the main point across, but skips over many of the details that the Bible has.  It makes me wonder how many details the Bible has left out that are not crucial but would still be interesting.  And how many stories got left out.

Interestingly, this is the one book that Isaac has a problem letting me read to him.  It started out fine, but recently he wants to hold it alone.  Usually I hold the books and he turns the pages (at least for once through the book), but for this book he just screams.  So while we've made it through the Old Testament, I'm not sure he's getting anything.  Oh well, I'll keep persevering.  And he likes holding it himself, so that's good at least.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday: 14 months

I took Isaac's 14 month pictures a few days ago.

Some with the quilt

(I know he looks really sad here, but I have limited pictures on his back.)

And that was the end of the photo shoot...

Isaac loves his walker so much that he has a hard time letting go.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday: napping

Today Ben and I both napped longer than Isaac did.  Isaac slept for a short 30 minutes, Ben had a long 30 minutes, and I had 120 minutes.

While I'm ok with Isaac switching to only one nap per day (he's still on the fence), I'm not really ready for them to be that short.  I've decided that part of the reason babies sleep so much in the beginning is so the parents can slowly get used to having another child.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday: Happy Birthday!

This afternoon we went to a surprise birthday party for Pat.  She was surprised!  And it was nice to see everyone.

Here's the woman of the hour and Isaac.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday: goal

One of my goals today was to not take a nap. I failed.

Flurry's goal was to take several naps and she succeeded.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday: Aldi's

I recently choose not to renew my Sam's club membership.  I'm not sure that I was saving a ton of money, especially by the time you add in the membership fee.  I didn't do a spreadsheet or anything so I'm not completely sure that this is true, but it was my gut feeling.

So I went to Aldi's today for the first time.  I was medium impressed.  They had a lot of the staples that I buy, but were missing several things too...and I'm not really sure that I want to go to two grocery stores to get all of my groceries every week.  I was really impressed with the speed at the checkout lane.  The prices also seemed good.

So my plan might be to go there when I just need a few things that are common food items and I'll get more used to it.  Then maybe I'll go more often, maybe I won't.

Oh, I also have this cute video of Isaac talking from two days ago.  I think he's been talking more, but it is hard to get it on video.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday: grading

Tonight was a marathon grading session.  The class I'm teaching is a half semester class, and the registrar's office doesn't give any extra time between the class ending and having grades due.  (One of the classes was actually scheduled to meet after grades were due...we got around it.)

Anyway,  the final project was a toy car.  Most of them were really cool.  Some of them were amazing.  I wish I could show you some pictures, but I don't have permission.  But there were DeLoreans, gliding cars, dump trucks, hardware-mobiles, Hope cars, banana cars, drag cars, and your "normal" cars.  I had the students include a short paragraph with their car, mainly so that I'd know what part they imported, but that part turned out to be really interesting.  It was cool to see what they were thinking and really helped me grade better.  (For example, in one of them it wasn't that the person in the car was too small but that it was a monster truck.)

There are a few things that I'll change for the class again during the second half of the semester, but overall I thought it went really well.