Sleep: we've gotten into a nice routine - Joshua wakes up around 5am and will usually go back down with a pacifier. He'll wake up again at 6am to eat, but goes back to sleep in the swing until about 8:30. He'll take a short (20-30 min) nap around 10/10:30. Then everyone is supposed to take a nap from about 12:30-2:30. It sort of works. Joshua takes two more short naps at 4:30 and 6:30, and then goes to sleep at 8:30. I'll feed him at 11pm, but he's usually good at sleeping from 8:30-5am.
Eating - he's super fast. It's rather nice since there are two kids. When he's done he's done.
Alertness - he's quite alert, grabbing toys and giving smiles. We've started using the exersaucer so it's nice to have another place to put him. He watches Isaac a ton.
Rolling - he's started rolling onto his side, which means he spins around his head. I'll often find him in a completely different orientation than I left him.
Crying - for the most part he is a rather happy child. But the 5-5:30pm time he's usually rather grumpy. And if he gets woken up from a nap too early. He sleeps in his room with the door closed, but that doesn't mean that it is quiet.
(Sorry for the blurriness of some of the pictures - pictures turn out better with the flash but it is so hard to get the right look. So I put it on burst mode but then the picture quality isn't as good.)