Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday: today

Today was better than yesterday.  I know it didn't read that way in the blog post, but by the end of the day I was done.  Isaac was so willing to be helpful, but around 4pm I ran out of things to do.  I don't remember what we did after that, but apparently it was something.  We might have read some books.  He found these books (and there are several of them) that have too many words per page but still pretend to be picture books.  I've started just summarizing them (thanks to Aunt C's example) but still kind of dread them.  I will only read one per reading session but always feel a little bad about that.

Anyway, today I got out to get some groceries, everyone took a nap, Isaac had an accident free day, and I think I was just in a better mood.  And there are plenty of things to do tomorrow too.

Also, I'm a mom.  That is just a crazy thought, even three years into it.  I still picture myself as 25.


Anonymous said...

In my mind, I'm 37. : )

Annette B.

Amy Worrel said...

I have moments like that, too. "Wait a minute, you mean these children are mine and I'm old enough to care for them?!" As for the reading, there are plenty of books here I outright refuse to read. Carolyn knows them and doesn't bring them to me anymore.