Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday: snow and friends

We went to play at Betsy and Ethan's house today.  We started by sending the boys on the deck to play.

Then we got some pictures of the younger two.  Leah really liked Joshua's toes.  (Joshua is doing a much better job in the bumbo than appears in this picture.  In the last two days especially.)

Joshua also got two good scratching sessions in on his head today.  It looked so sad.  So I filed his nails down and put on a hat.  I have several hats to try out...this one worked ok.  I'm also going to try itching his head for him a little more so that he doesn't need to do it.

Isaac used his two pictures of the day to take two pictures of the goldfish box.  It's the first time I've gotten a big one and he was so excited yesterday when he saw it.  (He also took out all the groceries from the bags and put them on the counter while I was feeding Joshua.  It was cute.)


Amy Worrel said...

Carolyn would be so envious of the snow! We have a dusting, and she keeps asking if there's enough to make snow angels. If there is grass sticking out, it is not enough.

betsy said...

Glad you found a hat. Hope it did the trick!