Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday: more independance

This morning I told Isaac that when he wakes up he can just get out of bed and go to the bathroom; I don't need to tell him.  Well, everyone took a good nap this afternoon.  So good that I woke up by myself and was contemplating whether to get up or turn over when I hear the pitter patter of little feet running for the bathroom.

I waited for the normal "TREAT!" to come from the bathroom but instead heard the stool being moved.  Oh, he had a bowel movement.  Well, he's dealt with it before a few times so I waited some more to see what would happen.  He went back to his room.  He went back to the bathroom.  Now I'm rather confused.  He went back to his room and through the monitor I hear, "so much poop!"  I leap out of bed.

There wasn't really that much.  He had had a small accident and so had some on his leg, which he was trying to clean up.  But besides that he was rather clean.  He knew what he needed to do and was trying to deal with it.  I was so proud of him.  But also glad that I was there to help...he's not quite ready to deal with those accidents yet.

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