Eating - he went from loving peanut butter jelly to loving nutella. "ella," as he says it. Besides that eating is hit and miss. Sometimes he eats a lot, sometimes he barely touches anything. Eating on his carpet square and tray has worked pretty well. The rule is that his butt has to be over the carpet square, but besides that we pretty much let him move as much as he wants. We'll see if we need to implement another rule later, such as your head can't be on the carpet.
Talking - he talks all the time. The other day I think he talked without ceasing and it is a little hard to deal with. But normal, I'm sure. He often has EEs (monkeys) that do stuff with him lately, so he tells me all about them. Brown EEs have beds at home. Black EEs need little cups. Etc. He also has stopped listening very well and will often say "what?" to get us to repeat something. One evening I told him he couldn't ask any more questions until Ben got home, but besides that it hasn't been overly bad. (By the way, today I found out that the Holy Spirit sometimes has a mouth and likes to drink chocolate milk from big glasses. EEs like to drink from medium glasses. They don't have any baby ones.)
Toilet training - still working on it. I think things are still improving.
Movies - Isaac loves to watch his movie after rest time. He often will watch the same thing for several weeks in a row...lately he's watched Mickey Mouse Road Raley, a Thomas one, and just today Wall-E came back.
Expressions - Isaac has a very funny "serious" face. It gets a little scrunched up. on to Joshua! He ate "real food" for the first time today. He started to open his mouth by the end, so we'll consider it a win. I'm not sure how much actually got in him, but I think a little bit at least.
He kept falling. I might try the bumbo tomorrow instead.