Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday: pacifier and towel water

I put a happy Joshua into the exersaucer this morning.  He was playing contentedly, and when I looked back a few minutes later he had a pacifier in his mouth.  Surprise!  He had managed to get it from the exersaucer to his mouth and I was rather proud of him.  He was also looking rather cute today, but the picture doesn't do a great job of showing that.

This morning Isaac also came into the bathroom and announced "Towel water helps me not be sick."  Hmm...I must have heard that wrong.  Bottled water?  Tap water?  Lemon water?  He runs to get it.  Yup, I heard correctly.  Towel water.

Do you see the towel?  It's that white rectangle on the water bottle.  The other side is called mountain water.  (At least it's not water rung from a towel.  That was passing through my head and I was a bit scared.)

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