Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday: the good and the bad

This morning was great!  First we had this conversation:
Amanda: Grandma won't be there.  She's on the other side of the world.
Isaac: When she goes out, will she fall down?

So we got out the globe.

Later in the morning the trains came out.  I'm rather proud of the track.

And Joshua decided to smile for a picture.

Then we got to the afternoon.  Trains might have messed up Joshua's schedule, because I couldn't get a decent nap out of him.  Isaac decided he couldn't do anything by himself, but wouldn't really concentrate on anything either.  I finally said that I had to do work.  (Which was true...the kitchen was a disaster.  But it is also an excuse I frequently use when I need a break.)  Isaac was whining about that, so I told him he could do his puzzle in the kitchen.  It's only 12 pieces; he is fully capable of doing that on his own.  However, he wouldn't even try.  Then Joshua woke up screaming from his short nap and I was about to pull my hair out.  We got through the next fifteen minutes by my rocking Joshua and handing one semi-random piece to Isaac at a time while I read the quilting blogs I follow.  Then Isaac was done with the puzzle and Joshua was screaming again.  Urg.  But I put Joshua down to blow my runny nose and he calmed down again.  Isaac invented some game that involved bouncing puzzle pieces on squishy blocks into a tub.  And then Ben came home...we made it.


Amy Worrel said...

Phew. I often wonder how it can go from so good and put together to complete shambles. This goes for my emotions, too.

betsy said...

Nice track! Cute Joshua smile! Where on the other side of the world is she? Maybe you already feel like Isaac watches enough tv but when we have those moments lately, I have been giving an extra movie time to Ethan. if it were summer I'd boot him outside but in this winter weather I sometimes think an extra 20 min is worth our sanity :-P