Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday: Isaac

A normal way to find Isaac lately...all cocooned in a sheet.

A: If you could invent one thing, what would it be?
I: ??
A: If you could make one -inator, what would it be?
I: An abominalinator.
A: A what?
I: An abominalinatior.  You have to say it fast.  It's a monster that can go through buildings on Phineas and Ferb...
A: Is it nice?
I: Yes.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday: Mama said...

Isaac took a nap again today.  He then had an hour long melt down when he 1) couldn't watch Ipad and 2) had to clean his room.  He knew both of these things were coming; they weren't surprises.  He knew without me telling him that he'd get Ipad tonight.

About half way through Joshua tried to bring the Ipad to Isaac and started crying when he couldn't.  He couldn't settle after that either.

The song line kept running through my head, "Mama said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this my Mama said."  I'm sure it refers to something different, but it sure seemed to fit.

Maybe Isaac needs to stop taking naps.  He usually doesn't, but he's been a bit sick.  He still might need to stop taking naps.

Saturday: bear! pray!

Joshua is still scared of bears on a regular basis.  (Yes, sometimes he makes the noise and then gets scared of it.  Sometimes he doesn't get scared.)  Anyway, Isaac and I were playing Legos and Joshua got scared of bears.  Since my rule of "no mean bears in the house" doesn't seem to be working very well lately, we prayed.

And then Joshua wanted to pray again.

And then bears again.

Then he wanted to pray for Isaac.

Then he wanted to pray for Mom.

Then he wanted to pray about bears.

Bears again.

Bears again.

Bears again.




I sort of felt like I was doing something right, but it also seemed like a game.  I went with it...there are worse games to play. :D

Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday: Happy Birthday

It's my birthday today!  It was actually a very good day.  We went to the pool with Betsy this morning.  It was a cloudy morning and so no one else was there right away.  We asked them to turn off the water features...the older boys don't use them and the younger kids are rather scared of them.  And they're so loud!

Afterwards we went to Wendy' was a wonderful birthday treat.  Besides that, things went normal with the boys, Ben brought presents and donuts and flowers, and I had a nice nap.

The boys played with all the stuffed animals...mainly throwing them down the stairs.

Creeper Joshua.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday: unexpected

In the morning, Isaac wanted to play legos.  So we went downstairs to do that for a bit.  We're talking, and Isaac told me that he had a scary dream last night.  But it was too scary to tell me.  (I said that to him once when we both had scary dreams one night.)  Then Joshua suddenly says, "I'm scared" and comes to sit in my lap for the next five minutes.

A few minutes later, Isaac bursts out crying.  "What happened?"  I asked, completely confused.  He was just sitting next to me playing with the pieces that look like banana pipes.  "I don't know!  My body just needs to cry!"  Ok, I can empathize with that.  I pulled him into my lap for a hug.  (I don't know if he's heard that from me or not.  It sounds like something I would say, but I'm not sure when I would have said it around him.)

In other news, the kitchen exploded.  That's what I get for needing Joshua to do something by himself for a few minutes.  However, it got mostly picked up...more so than it normally does after an explosion.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday: Isaac

I went into Isaac's room today and saw this.

I was a bit shocked...I thought he knew better than to write on the walls!  (Although the markers are easy wash off, so I didn't freak out.) Then I looked closer.  He had written on Sotch Tape that he had put up there.  He originally got the tape because he made a cross (the toothpicks) and told me that Jesus died on a cross and he had to hang it up.  But then rest time started and he got a bit creative.  I'll admit, I wasn't sure whether to be annoyed, since it isn't really a great thing to do, or impressed at his creativity.

During rest time today he took a nap.  He's been fighting a cold/cough, so it didn't surprise me too much.  When that happens he gets IPad time at bedtime, because it's rather late in the afternoon and he can never go to sleep right away anyway.  It works well.  Usually.  Today he had the biggest meltdown ever.  And it kept coming back!  He woke up at 4, calmed down at 4:15 to make a card, worked himself up at 4:35 when we were leaving for errands/gym, calmed down at 4:40 to eat 1/4 graham cracker, and on and on and on.  Usually he's pretty easy to reason with, but today he reasoned himself back into crying...

A: Be strong!  You can do it!  You don't need to cry.
I: But the cries are infinity strong! [crying]

I gave up several times.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday: Goldbug

Last night I went to bed a bit nervous; there were no activities planned for today.  It turned out that wasn't a problem as we went out to lunch with Dad and Pat and then to a friend's house after nap time.  My other plan had been to grab an activity from the jar.  We drew Goldbug.  Isaac said that hiding Goldbug would be more fun than making one, so we made one out of Duplos.

I doesn't look anything like Goldbug.  But we made it together.  We hid it around the house a few times.  Then I made his brother and tricked him with it (note the red eyes...I didn't have much time to find all the pieces though).  Then Isaac made Goldbug's sister...the other creation.

On our way home from lunch Isaac and I "talked" on the phone.  I got him to answer a lot of questions...

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Popsicles and donuts

Q: What is your favorite thing to watch on TV?
A: Magic School Bus.  [This surprised me as he doesn't choose it very often.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do?
A: Play
Q: Play what?
A: Bucky.  But I don't choose it very often.  We play Castle more.

Q: Who is your favorite person?
A: Grandma Cheryl, Grandma Pat, and the Grandpa that goes with Grandma Pat. [I was a bit sad not to be mentioned.]

Q: What is your favorite book?
A: The pig one and dirty one and the monkey that gets trapped.  [Hogwash and Monkey with a Toolbelt]