Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday: love story

Lately I've found it interesting how you can see some parts of a couple's love story, but you never see all of it.

I was reading through some letters that my Grandpa wrote in August 1931 to his sister and found the following:

"I'm going to Battle Creek [where Grandma was living] again Sat morning!  If you could only feel as I do just for a minute, you wouldn't think so badly of me.  I'm not sure whether I can wait that long or not.  ...I've learned what love is."

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday: class

I had a few laughs in class today.  I'm usually not funny, so the laughter was nice.

To be fair, the things weren't really that funny.
Since it was the day after testing at karate we did fun things.  We worked with bo staves.  Usually though, they set up the obstacle course and I know it is one of Isaac's favorite things.  So at the very end they set up the obstacle course.  The next class started and so Isaac was able to run it all by himself to his heart's content.  Just one more reason I really like our school.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


First, a few photos:

Ben made a sword while Isaac and I were testing yesterday.  It's improved since the picture.

Isaac got a little triangle snake thing from the dentist and wanted a bigger one.  It was bigger!  The first was about a foot long, this one was about four feet!  It surprised everyone.

Joshua still likes sitting on laps.  Ben got some extra love from both boys today at church.

In other news, I feel like I got quite a bit of work done today.  I finally cleaned up a bunch of piles that had been sitting around for a long time as people are coming over on Saturday.  I checked off several smaller items on my to-do list.  I finally feel like my to-do list is getting shorter...and it's amazing!  (I wouldn't call it short, just shorter.  I'm doing some of the things from the bottom of the list that have been ignored for quite some time.)

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday: karate testing

Isaac and I tested for our next karate rank today: green stripe.  It went fine.  It wasn't our best test by far, but good enough.

Also, the snow day calculator is showing a 99% chance of a snow day tomorrow.  I had some plans, but at the same time it wouldn't be a bad day for a snow day.  However, when I look at the forecast I'm not sure that I agree with the prediction.  I don't see a lot of precipitation in the near future.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday: sick

Isaac's teacher has been out sick quite a bit.  She was back this morning but left after lunch.

Isaac and I were talking in the car on the way home about some other stuff, and I mentioned that Isaac should ask her in the morning.  Isaac grumpily said to me, "If you have a fever you have to stay home for 24 hours fever free without medicine."  He sounded like such an adult that I couldn't help but laugh.

I emailed Isaac's teacher the question instead and mentioned the story.  It turned out that his class has had a ton of people out sick and she had given a lesson on germs that morning...and was glad that someone had learned something.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday: around

Isaac was back to his normal, crazy self today, but we stayed around the house anyway.  I was feeling extra lethargic and don't know if I had a mild version of what Isaac had or if the lack of sleep from the previous night had caught up to me.  I reminded myself that, as I learned from when the boys were babies, it's usually the second day after a bad night that is roughest for me.

During quiet time the boys decided to hold hands and run around the table.  Needless to say, it was not quiet during quiet time, but at least they were not quiet together.

After rest time I played a game with Joshua.  He kindly got the pillows off of his loft so that I'd have a soft place to sit.

While we were doing that, Ben and Isaac worked on a triceratops.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Saturday: girl clues

We play on-line Codenames with some friends once a month.  We play guys vs. girls, and always joke about how different the clues are.

Girl clues tend to be more...abstract and we get the answers by thinking 'this is kind of like something'.  Guy clues are much more technical and knowledge based.

Tonight's first game had some especially good clues.  The first one was 'pit boss' and we weren't 100% sure what it was.  We got a few good answers though.  A few clues later we had 'boll weevil' which we also didn't really know.  We talked about it a little and ended up with the words 'disease' and 'maple', neither of which are described by a boll weevil.  We finished the the game by the other two girls feeling 'platypus' in their hearts.  We talked ourselves into that word and won the game!  It was awesome!

(In other news, Isaac was sick today.  He laid on the couch pretty much all day.  I offered him some screen time and he refused.  He told Ben to stop screen time after a bit.  The laying around was the main clue he was sick, but it was confirmed with the screen time.)