Wednesday, February 26, 2020


First, a few photos:

Ben made a sword while Isaac and I were testing yesterday.  It's improved since the picture.

Isaac got a little triangle snake thing from the dentist and wanted a bigger one.  It was bigger!  The first was about a foot long, this one was about four feet!  It surprised everyone.

Joshua still likes sitting on laps.  Ben got some extra love from both boys today at church.

In other news, I feel like I got quite a bit of work done today.  I finally cleaned up a bunch of piles that had been sitting around for a long time as people are coming over on Saturday.  I checked off several smaller items on my to-do list.  I finally feel like my to-do list is getting shorter...and it's amazing!  (I wouldn't call it short, just shorter.  I'm doing some of the things from the bottom of the list that have been ignored for quite some time.)

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