Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thursday: class

I made it through my classes today, but they didn't go as well as normal.

Now, that being said, they didn't go that poorly either.  There were issues were I did something wrong.  While this happens frequently, usually I can spin it as a learning experience of what not to do and move on.  This time they were a bigger problems that I couldn't solve right away.  (Still not more than a few minutes and then we moved on, but enough to disrupt my rhythm.)

The computer was acting up again too.  I had been hoping that it was behind us because it worked well for about two weeks.  Excel restarts itself for unknown reasons.  Again, it is a fast restart but enough to jar me out of my train of thought...and when it happens over and over again it's just annoying.

Then I had a headache.

We worked with bo staves in karate today though, and that was fun.  We are supposed to bring them to every class but never use them so Isaac finally asked to do it and they changed the lesson plan to accommodate.  I was surprised, but it was a nice change of pace too.

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