Saturday, February 15, 2020

Friday: power outage

At 6:30pm, all the lights went out.  After the first moment of "what's going on?" I quickly realized the power was out.  The boys were all confused though, as they haven't experienced many.  Luckily, it wasn't pitch black out so we could still see a little bit. 

Also, phones now have flashlights, which is rather awesome.  We got the little lanterns from the basement, along with some candles.  The boys still finished their chores.  Then we had a little bit of extra screen time because I was ready for the day to be done and it's hard to do some of the other things (i.e., Legos) with the lanterns.

I like this picture.  There are candles for light (and a lantern) like the olden days, but then he's using a phone as a calculator.

The power came back on at 8:30, right after I had fixed Joshua's lights for the 10th time and was about to crawl under a blanket.  It really was perfect timing.

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